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Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter Anti-Aging Revitalizing Lotion 13oz

Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter Anti-Aging Revitalizing Lotion 13oz
Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter Anti-Aging Revitalizing Lotion 13oz
UPC Code: 764302130024
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Product Details

Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter Anti-Aging Revitalizing Ultra-Moisturizing Lotion is a special recipe that captures African Shea Butter in its purest form.   For centuries, Africans have used Shea Butter to effectively moisturize and protect their skin from severe dryness, eczema, psoriasis, aging and harsh environmental conditions.  From inducing new skin cells to natural UV protection, African Shea Butter is clinically proven to retain moisture and improve skin elasticity. The old fashioned recipe preserves the highest therapeutic values of Shea Butter.

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Nubian Heritage Raw Shea Butter Anti-Aging Revitalizing Lotion 13oz